Cobblestone Of The Worlds

Drawing bearing wavy lines and circles, in an extension of the Emigrant Square
The waves breaking, one by one, the great tides of the desired worlds, in eagerness so often charged with the impossible, as if time were made of delays, in circles, travelling on the agony of that vacant world, in the endless approach of new horizons, of dreams dreamt. And in this entanglement of circles or globes a clear allusion to the DNA helix can be found; here, the beating of the heart that sustains the rhythm of the emigrants merges with those who shall walk over this pavement.
Although it was not my first choice, ‘Cobblestone of the Worlds’ was the most voted creation when the first sketches were presented at the Ribeira Grande Town Hall meeting. All the research pursued from then on, even if provisional, functioned as a basis for the project’s development.
The information researched was helpful in understanding, analysing, observing, assessing and, above all, FEELING — the feelings of the Emigrants were the main reason for this work; on the other hand, it was imperative to bear in mind the different creative styles of all the artists and architects part of the process, and harmoniously combine them by avoiding style-clashing. Finally, the proximity of the Arquipélago – Contemporary Art Center was of great importance.
By knowing beforehand that this creation would mirror a typically Portuguese Pavement, the material was already obviously selected: limestone and, possibly, basalt, a stone a lot more difficult to handle. Numerous possibilities were considered until the movement effect intended was attained: circles that remind us of real and hypothetical worlds, of foamy waves crashing and even of the DNA’s helix, Azorean DNA.
The 1,300-square-meter area to be covered in Portuguese pavement has its starting point close to the Emigrant Square sidewalk and invades that territory with ‘worlds’ interspersed in black and white stone, whose 18 different diameters vary between 20 and 190 centimetres; the place of the main sculpture of the square, the World, by Luís Silva, is properly safeguarded. At this more advanced stage of the work, which includes not only but also a computerised technical model, the inputs of Architect Fernando Monteiro and Architecture student Gonçalo Lopes were precious.
Although, as I stated initially, this was not my first choice, I am now pleased and sure that my goal has been achieved — emotions, as waves endlessly rolling, the dramatic contrast between black and white, and a space suited for all: where children can play and adults meditate. The good will of all those involved in this project has been fundamental to its success.